Christine Franklin

Christine Franklin Kinesiology & Regression Hypnosis
Venture Beyond your Conscious Awareness
Helping you identify and resolve the root cause of physical, emotional, and mental health issues.

Health & Wellbeing
Through Balance
A Journey of
Self Discovery
Melding ancient eastern
energetic healing arts with western
physiological healing sciences and the body's inner wisdom, Kinesiology addresses a wide range of physical, emotional, mental, nutritional and spiritual issues.
Diving deep in search of the origin of psychosomatic symptoms such as pain, sadness, depression, fears, phobias, relationship issues and addictions. These may be linked to traumatic events from our childhood and past lives.

The ability to gain access to clear, accurate answers, beyond the conscious level gives Kinesiology exciting and boundless potential. No amount of counselling, doctors’ visits or “talking about things” can unearth and resolve unconscious blocks to healing and balance like kinesiology.
- J Ryan, Gympie

QHHT - It was certainly one of the most enlightening experiences I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. It gave me confirmation of why I have lived my life the way I have and gave answers to questions only I would know the answers to.
- Suzie F.